I was reading in one of my Facebook groups this week and the topic at hand was "What do you do for self-care during the pandemic?" I admit that my initial thought was "Self-care, what's that?" I am a mother to twin four year olds, afterall. Then on a friend's post on Facebook she was talking about a book she recently discovered and I added that the author of the book also has a podcast. Then I thought: "Yes! Podcasts. I love podcasts. And podcasts are self-care. So are audio books."
So, if someone asked me what I do for self-care during the pandemic, I'd answer the following:
- I listen to podcasts
- I listen to audio books (I just started a great one "That Sounds Fun" By Annie F. Downs)
- I bake (Plenty of homemade chocolate chip cookies around here!)
- I love to sew pretty things
- I like to paint with watercolor
If I am being honest, I also like to crawl into bed early (like 7 pm early) and watch Netflix.
My other form of self-care is roses. I preordered another rose for my garden. I received an email from one of the companies I order from each year and read that one of the roses on my wish list is being retired. I *had* to buy it. So I did. Now I am dreaming of when the weather warms (which may be June for my part of the US) and getting out in the yard to plant my new roses. I have three in total arriving in May/June.
This week I felt inspired so I made three new table mats reminiscent if summer days. They are now listed in my store. I invite you to take a look.
Have a wonderful weekend, friends.