Small Studio Sunday is August 29th

Small Studio Sunday is August 29th



I hope you are enjoying the remainder of summer. Although summer may be waning, Swing Kitten Handmade has been busier then ever preparing for Small Studio Sunday! I am honored to be a part of this virtual art show that showcases the work of over 50 brilliant artists.

Specifically, Small Studio Sunday is a virtual art show that will take place on August 29 inside of the Small Studio Sunday Facebook group. Artwork by over 50 artists will be featured in this Facebook group, and throughout the day a number of artists will be presenting live art demos, studio tours and art talks. 
In addition to the art show and live events taking place in the Facebook group, there will be a Small Studio Sunday website gallery showcasing the participating artists. The website will help visitors and buyers connect with the artists during and beyond event day.

I would be overjoyed to see you there! Go to to claim your exclusive invitation to the event.

In addition to the Small Studio Sunday event, I am most excited to be releasing my latest collection Quilt Joy to my website on 8/29 at 12 PM EST. Quilt Joy is a collection that comes from the heart. An offering of pieces to bring joy to your days. Embrace the quilt joy and smile. 



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